Worship is curreNTLY suspended and we are in the procESS OF discerning next steps for the future
We are people of the book, the Bible that is. In the Bible we find the overarching story of God’s relationship with people. It is the story of God’s good creation of all things, of human sinfulness and the fall, of Christ’s great love and redemption and of God’s plan to restore all things.
From the Bible we discover the character of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons, one God.
From the Bible we learn about the human condition. We are sinful, living in a world that has been tainted with the consequences of sin. All of our best intentions can’t overcome this condition. It took the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ whose incarnation, life, death, and resurrection to conquer sin, changed the trajectory of the lives of his followers. (John 3: 12-21, Philippians 2:1-11)
The Bible tells us that people, who trust Jesus, have the hope of eternal life.( John 14:1-4) It tells us that our world belongs to God and that he continues to care for it. It tells us that God cares about how we care for the weak, the poor, the homeless and the sick. (Matthew 25:31-46)
The Bible tells us that the character of the Church, when it obeys and follows him, will be a witness of the love of God himself (John 17:23) It tells us that Christ has given the Church a mission, to be his representatives, “so that the world may know…” the story of God’s salvation plan.
The Bible tells of the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives. It tells of the hope we have, that one day there will be no more tears, the hope that God will make all things new. (Rev 21:1-7)
This richness of the Bible is at the heart of our gatherings. We are in awe of God’s creation. We are humbled by our own sinfulness, which affects everything we do in some way. The Grace of God, who has given us a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, amazes us. (1 Peter 1:3) The hope that God plans to restore all things (Acts 3:21), energizes us to serve him boldly right here in this world.
Our creeds and confessions connect us to body of Christ, which is larger than our congregation or our denomination. They connect us to the historic Christian Church, where our beliefs have been tested over time to reflect the Bible’s teachings. They connect us to the future, our hope in Christ, and our calling in the world.
What should I wear?
Clothes. That’s our only request. We are much more concerned about what’s going on inside of a person, than what they are wearing on the outside. If it helps you out, our pastor is usually in jeans. So just come as you are.
What's the music like?
We don’t own a pipe organ. Our live band usually consists of guitars, sax, bass, and keys. No robes. No choir. No Shakespearean lyrics. We try to sing songs that are deep in meaning, but easy to understand that can come from our hearts.
Do my kids sit with me?
We have a fantastic group of professionally trained educators who lead a program called Kids of the Kingdom. Kids are part of the singing and leave the adult service for age-appropriate learning just before the message. We have a high ratio of adults to children in our program.
Will I be asked to give money?
If it’s your first time, we actually want you to keep your wallet in your pocket. Just come and experience a service at Mountain Springs. If you like it and want to call it your church home, then we believe giving financially to God and His church is the right thing to do as part of the family.
Will I be bored?
We sure hope not. A life connected to Jesus should be fulfilling and rewarding. We strategically plan weekend gatherings to engage your heart, mind and soul. We use music, video, powerful teaching and other experiential elements to help you connect to God in a meaningful way.
What is the overall environment like?
We strive to make you feel welcome as you put yourself in the position to connect with God. It’s a casual environment that will set the tone for you to be more focused on God, and less concerned about the atmosphere around you.
We understand church may be a little foreign to you, that’s why we try very hard to help you feel at home while you're at Mountain Springs